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  • Course Fees : 4500.00 4500.00/-
  • Course Duration : 3MONTHS
  • Minimum Amount To Pay : Rs.1000.00



1) Basic Concept of Object-Oriented




ii) Advantages of OOP


iii) Difference between Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming


iv) Features of OOP


11) Begining with C++ i) What is C++


ii) Application of C++ iii) Structure of C++ Program


iv) Creation of simple C++ Program v) Compiling & Linking C++ Program


vi) Running C++ Program


Types of error


a) Compiler Error, b) Linker Error


c) Runtime-Error viii) What is IDE.


III) C++ Programming Basics i) Basic Program Constructions


ii) Function


iii) Input/Output Operator iv) Preprocessor Directives


a) The include Directive


b) Header File Comments


a) What is Comment


b) Types of Comment


c) When to use Comment vi) Variables


a) Defining & Declaring Variables


b) Assigning …

[3:36 pm, 24/07/2023] Hi-Tech Academy: Assigning Sturcture Members iv) Structures within Starcture v) Structure and Classes


VI) Arrays i) What is Array


ii) Types of Array


iii) One-Dimentional Array a) Declaration & initialization of


One-dimentional Array b) Creating One-dimentional Array Solved examples


iv) Two-dimentional array


a) Declaration & initialization of Two-dimensional array b) Creating two-dimentiona array


v) Creating Array (string handling)




VII) Functions


i) Simple Functions


a) The Function Declaration b) Calling the functions


c) Defining functions


ii) Passing Arguments to Functions


a) Passing Constants b) Passing Variables


c) Passing by value


d) Passing array


e) Passing structure variables iii) Returning Values from function


a) The return statements


b) Returning Structure Variables


iv) Reference Arguments a) Passing simple data types by




a) Inside the class b) Outside the class


AC++ program with class iv) Nesting of member functions


v) Visibility Mode


vi) Creating Objects


vii) Array of objects


vii) Objects as function arguments ix) Friend functions x) Returning Objects


xi) Memory allocation for objects xii) Static Data Members Static Member functions


ix) Const. Member functions




IX) Construction & Destructors


1) Constructors


a) Parametarized costructors b) Copy constructors


c) Constructor with default


arguments d) Dynamic Constructors


e) Overloading constructors


ii) Destructors Assignment


X) Operator Overloading i) What is Operator Overloading ii) Overloading Unary operator


a) By member function b) By friend function




iii) Overloading Binary operator a) Arithmatic operator


b) Concatenating Operator c) Comparision Operator


d) Arithmetic Assignment




XI) Data Conversion


i) Conversions between basic types ii) Conversions between objects &


basic types iii) Conversions between objects of different classes


Overloaded functions a) Different no. of arguments


b) Different kind of arguments


vi) Inline Functions vii) Default arguments


Variable and storage classes a) Automatic variable


b) External Variable c) Static Variable




VIII) Classes and Objects i). Specifying Classes


ii) Defining Member functions


XII) Inheritence


i) Introduction


ii) Defining Derived Classes


iii) Types of inheritance (with Example)



 Document Requirement

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